The results indicated that the vessel cells of secondary xylem in annual mature canes in two varieties of grapes were ladder vessel, those in annual mature branches in Starkrimson were pitted vessel. 结果表明,葡萄两品种枝条次生木质部导管细胞类型属梯纹导管型,红星苹果为孔纹导管型。
The results indicate: ( 1) The vessel cells of the supplied test varieties are all the pitted vessel. 结果表明:(1)各供试品种导管分子均为孔纹型导管。
The results as follow: on the whole, the more evolutional species are all pitted vessel and reticulate vessel; 结果表明:较进化的树种,一般都是孔纹和网纹导管,较原始的树种,一般都是环纹和螺纹导管;
The result indicated that: Vessel cells of Jun-, Li-jujube and the apple were the pitted vessel type; 结果表明:骏枣、梨枣和苹果的导管细胞均为孔纹导管类型;